Aims & Objects
A) To provide relief to poor and deserving persons in time of distress due to visitation of nature such as famine, pestilence, fire, tempest, flood, earthquake or any other calamity.

B) To establish and open schools, colleges for poor and needy persons on charitable basis.

C) To visit places like district jails, central jails, police stations, etc, to help, hear and solve the problems of the peoples.

D) The commission shall be run on non commercial and non political and non religious basis.

E) To receive collect, take over and accept donations, contributions subscriptions, gift, fitra, Khairat, Sadaqat and Zakat in cmash and/or in form of movable or immovable properties from any person / company, organization other charitable, educations trust, associations, societies etc. and to utilize the same for the achievement of the aims and objectives of the Commission.

F) To do additional activities like Seminars, Conferences and Awareness on different aspect of Social Issues, Educational Courses, Entertainment programs for youth, women, special children, normal children etc.

G) To provide moral help to every citizen of Pakistan in case of any difficulty arise and faced by them.

H) To provide assistance to non-government institutions in case of any unlawful, illegal, unauthorized encroachments at any time whatever of any nature.

L) To provide any assistance and advisory to Human Rights affected person.

M) To provide the support is other NGO’s regarding their work against the breach of government rules and regulations.

N) To help the poor peoples to get justice from proper Court of Law.

O) Any person nominated by IPCLJH can appear in the court of law to protect the basic fundamental rights of the peoples.

P) To help in keeping the environment from pollution by encouraging tree plantation and other measures etc.